Sunday, September 14, 2008

Shearwater Live @ Paris

“It’s the first time that we have two encores!” said to me Kimberly Burke (bass) few minutes after she left the stage with her comrades from Shearwater. She was so excited. As well as Howard Draper (drums) who was wondering why a small town called Paris very far from Austin Texas could enjoy music like the one that Shearwater delivered last Friday at La Maroquinerie. During one hour and two encores, the audience and the band decided that it will stay amongst the finest evenings of 2008. Sure it will. Shearwater confirmed on stage all the best that I thought about Rook few months ago (read here).


Shearwater - Leviathan, Bound .mp3
Shearwater - Rooks .mp3
Shearwater - Red Sea, Black Sea .mp3 from Palo Santo

Bonus via
Misra Records
Shearwater - St Mary’s Walk .mp3
Shearwater - Whipping Boy .mp3
Shearwater - I Can't Wait .mp3

Photo: Leaky SparrowShearwater – La Maroquinerie, Paris – September 12, 2008. More pictures:

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